Jia Nuo said Put out the Fire???
Mr.Robin, you knows?
佳诺今天也自己背出 A - Z !
;p 一字不漏哦!- 26.5mths old
Surprised? Yes a little...;)
Jia Nuo finally go to pee inside
the toilet! Eeee...should be 2nd times.
Hope he can poo inside the toilet soon...;)
So we can save on the diaper!
Hope can have a good hair cut on Sat!
:( had a very bad hair cut on Wed!
WOW...Jia Nu so !!!!!!
Ugly! Hahaha....
See the puffy eyes?
Cos that day he slept up
to 12.30pm! :D
Want to know why there's a fire?
Also http://www.kuoklude.blogspot.com/
'Hi, guys!'
20-11-2009 (Friday)
Robin and I were in the kitchen, taking our
dishes and about to have our dinner .....
Suddenly, Jianuo came over from the living
room a...
15 years ago